The Summer Programme for 2024

n the warmer months, from April to September, we hold a number of field excursions, usually monthly, involving visits to working quarries, or natural exposures, that may be of restricted access to individuals, where Members can add to their collections, absorb new knowledge of our diverse science, or maybe just enjoy the great outdoors. The excursion Leaders are geologists with specialised knowledge of each particular locality.
This year has been exceptional as the position on Committee of Field Secretary has been vacant. Our close relationship with the Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group, in which Members are mutually invited to attend field outings of the other Organisation, has allowed Section C Members to enjoy a full Summer Programme, for which Section C is very grateful.


Sunday 28th April
To examine the early Permian exposures of the Kenilworth area.


Tuesday 1st May
Industrial visit to the Rugby Cement Works, hosted by Cemex

GeoWeek events on the 26th; 28th and 31st - Kenilworth Old Town; Kenilworth Common (both led by Ray Pratt); and Urban Geology of Warwick, led by Jon Radley


Saturday 1st June
A morning drop-in session in Warwick Museum

Saturday 22nd June
A visit to Saltwells National Nature Reserve nr Dudley, which is an SSSI containing Carboniferous and Silurian strata.


A weekend residential in the Peak District. Visiting the Castleton and Tideswell areas. Led by Dr Martin Whiteley, over three days 5th -7th July
This outing is charged.

Sunday 28th July
A circular walking excursion from Tardebigge, Bromsgrove, led by Mike Allen, over Triassic strata, encountering Anglian advance glacial erratics


Sunday 18th August
A walking excursion nr Nuneaton, led by Mike Allen. Cambrian strata intruded by lamprophyre dykes, and unconformable contact of overlying late Carboniferous sediments


A weekend residential in the Charnwood Forest area. Led by Nick Chidlaw. 20th - 22nd September
This outing is charged