Winter Programme 2024 - 2025

Our presentations will usually also be available through the Zoom app. If you wish to use this app, please contact the Secretary for link details. As has been customary for some years, we share presentations with the Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group - WGCG. Those arranged by WGCG are so annotated. All talks commence at 19.30. Remotely log in beforehand.
Our presentations, in 2024 will be held in Lecture Theatre 3 in the Attenborough Building on the campus of Leicester University, except for that by Dr McGarvie, which will be a remote presentation.


Thursday September 19th (

Dinosaur Bones and Badlands
Professor Phil Manning (University of Manchester)

Wednesday October 9th

Gold exploration and development in the United Kingdom
Dr Tim Colman
(BGS, rtd)

Thursday October 17th
. (WGCG)

Dawn of the Modern World: Life, Death and Rain in the late Triassic
Dr Mike Simms (Curator of Geology at National Museums NI.)

Wednesday October 23rd

The past, present and future of Antarctic seafloor ecosystems
Rowan Whittle

Wednesday November 13th

Earl Ferrers’ Lead Mine, Dimminsdale: History, Geology and Minerals
Dr Frank Ince

Wednesday November 27th (Remote speaker)

Volcano-ice interactions in Iceland and Chile
Dr Dave McGarvie
(Honorary Researcher, Lancaster University, Honorary Fellow, The University of Edinburgh)

Wednesday December 11th

The Herefordshire Lagerstätte: Soft-bodied Virtual Fossils from a Silurian Volcanic Ash
Professor David J Siveter (School of Geography, Geology & the Environment, University of Leicester)


Wednesday January 8th

Remote sensing of Earthquakes and Other Hazards
Dr Ekbal Hussein

Thursday January 16th (WGCG)

Glaciations of the British Isles - with reference to the West Midlands
Professor Jim Rose (Emeritus Professor of Geography University of London)

Wednesday January 22nd

The Anthropocene and its deep time geological context
Professor Jan Zalasiewicz
(University of Leicester)

Wednesday February 12th

Deep geothermal fluids: From the hottest of the hot to dissolved resources
Dr Christopher Rochelle (BGS)

Wednesday February 26th

Echoes of the past: 160 million years of responses to climate change through adaptation, migration, and extinction in Mesozoic dinosaur ecosystems
Dr Alfio Alessandro Chiarenza
(Royal Society Newton International Fellow, University College London)

Wednesday March 12th

Bologna Stone: A Curious Tale of Persistent Photoluminescence
Dr Frank Ince

Monday March 24th - The Joint Meeting with the Parent Body of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society, at Hansom Hall, Belvoir Street, Leicester

Preparation of recent Fossil Discoveries from the Jurassic Kimmeridge
Dr Steve Etches MBE

Wednesday March 26th

Annual Meeting