The Summer Programme for 2022

In the warmer months, from April to September, we hold a number of field excursions, usually monthly, involving visits to working quarries, or natural exposures, that may be of restricted access to individuals, where Members can add to their collections, absorb new knowledge of our diverse science, or maybe just enjoy the great outdoors. The excursion Leaders are geologists with specialised knowledge of each particular locality.

The recent reservations imposed to allay the progress of the Covid-19 virus will have ongoing effects throughout the year. One residential field trip, to Yorkshire, has been reallocated to 2023.

As we have done during our past Winter Seasons, Section C has been in collaboration with the Warwickshire Geology Conservation Group (WGCG), and so that collaboration will now continue through this Summer Season and beyond. Field trips organised by the WGCG are so annotated.


Saturday 23rd April
A visit to view the Collection belonging to Dennis Gamble
Dennis will welcome guests from 10.00 during the day. Please coordinate the time of your visit with Dennis, who will provide beverages and biscuits.


Saturday 7th May
The Geological displays in the Dudley Archive: followed by a walk around the NNR Wren's Nest (WGCG)
This day outing led by Graham Worton, Keeper of Geology at the Archives, and Coordinator of the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark. Please register interest with WGCG by 30th April.

Friday - Sunday, 13th - 15th May

WGCG has extended an invitation to Sec C to join a residential trip to Llandrindod Wells.
The leaders will be
Joe Botting and Lucy Weir
The strata are Ordovician and Silurian, and include the Builth inlier, and a 'konservat-lagerstatte'.
Please note that this trip is now fully subscribed

Saturday or Sunday 21st - 22nd May being dependant on good weather! Saturday is looking good!
A field trip into
Derbyshire to study volcanic locations, led by Mike Allen.
Within the Carboniferous Limestone of Brigantian age, near Tearsall, the Monsal Dale Limestone hosts the Upper and Lower Matlock lavas. At this location, an opencast fluorspar working between the lavas, the full section through the Upper, vesicular olivine basalt, Lava can be studied. Around Bonsall, the volcanics to be studied are vent lithologies, a substantial dolerite/microgabbroic sill, several named lavas, also tufa, and the quartz rock which exhibits degrees of replacement of calcite by silica in the Brigantian Limestone.


Saturday 11th June (from 11.00 onwards)
A visit to view the Collection belonging to Dr Frank Ince; which will include a rummage through trays of free mineral (and even some fossil) specimens in the garage!
You may like to refer to 'A review of the minerals associated with the igneous rocks of southwest Leicestershire' by Frank, contained within the Journal of the Russell Society
There are also a number of additional Leicestershire-based articles published in other copies of the JRS: see the Author Index (.pdf) at The Journal, or
Please liaise with Frank if you wish to visit. His contact details available from the Webmaster/Field Secretary. Beverages and snacks will be available.

Saturday 25th June
For your reference, the BGS will hold an Open Day at Kegworth, Nottinghamshire

Sunday 26th June
Cannock Chase


Our planned excursion to the Yorkshire Dales has been put back, again, into 2023

Saturday 16th July
Cleeve Hill, Gloucestershire (WGCG)

Friday - Sunday, 29th - 31st July

Sec C is invited to revisit the
Mendips by the WGCG.
The leader will be
Dr Martin Whiteley
This residential itinerary will be similar to our visit with Martin in 2019
Those proposing to join should arrange accommodation after contact with
Julie Harrald (
Strata range from the Silurian Coalbrookdale Formation, through Devonian and Carboniferous, to the Jurassic and Triassic.
Burrington Combe; the Banwell Bone Cave; Mells; and Vallis Vale are on the itinerary.


Sunday 7th August
Arden Sandstone, Warwickshire


Nuneaton Ridge, Warwickshire.